Media - 2016121301 - Thanks to UNWIRE.HK for hunting Yoswit!

Media - 2016121301 - Thanks to UNWIRE.HK for hunting Yoswit!

智能燈、智能窗簾、智能熱水爐… 聽就聽得多,但永遠用到的只會是電視劇入面的有錢人。於香港,現實中只有少過 1% 的家庭有應用智能家居。嶺勤科技的創辦人之一吳啟鍫(Colin)認為,香港智能家居應用率低的原因在於門檻過高,就連安裝智能燈掣都要「拉過晒全屋啲線」。因此他們於三年前著手研究簡化安裝及使用方法,並從最基本的智能開關入手,製作出 Yoswit 系列藍牙遙控產品。..

Media - 2016120901 - Thanks to Apple Daily HK for hunting Yoswit!

Media - 2016120901 - Thanks to Apple Daily HK for hunting Yoswit!

有無想過只需一個特製開關電掣、一部智能手機,毋須額外裝修就可打造成智能家居?嶺勤科技有限公司創辦人之一吳啟鍫(Colin)因一次家居裝修,發現市面上智能家居電掣難以安裝,因而萌生研發DIY智能開關電掣(Reinvented Smart Wall Switch),用家毋須大規模裝修就可為自己打造一個五星級的家。..

Media - 2016120701 - Thanks to Julian for hunting Yoswit! Come and check us out in GeekyGadgets!

Media - 2016120701 - Thanks to Julian for hunting Yoswit! Come and check us out in GeekyGadgets!

Anyone looking to expand their home automation system will be able to control their lighting remotely, may be interested in a new smart light switch which has been created by Yoswit. A team of developers that specialise in manufacturing premium Bluetooth switches...

Media - 2016120703 - Thanks to trendhunter for hunting Yoswit!

Media - 2016120703 - Thanks to trendhunter for hunting Yoswit!

Designed to replace your existing light switches, the 'Yoswit' smart wall switch instantly adds connectivity and automation without having to perform hard installations. Taking just a few minutes to install, the 'Yoswit' switch instantly goes to work to add mobile connectivity and enable users to sm..

Media - 2016120702 -  Thanks to CROWDFUNDING GADGETZ for hunting Yoswit!

Media - 2016120702 - Thanks to CROWDFUNDING GADGETZ for hunting Yoswit!


Media - 2016113001 - Thanks to hometoys for hunting Yoswit!

Media - 2016113001 - Thanks to hometoys for hunting Yoswit!

The Yoswit Portable IR Hub uses the latest Bluetooth technology to connect and control home appliance, from the air conditioning, to maintain each individual’s perfect temperature, to the TV...

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