Blogs - 2016012701 - We are get funded on both campaign!

Blogs - 2016012701 - We are get funded on both campaign!

Thank you very much for supporting Yoswit! The campaign has been successfully funded with your support! ..

Media - 2016012401 - 萬用遙控小盒 一鍵開關全屋家電

Media - 2016012401 - 萬用遙控小盒 一鍵開關全屋家電

【明報專訊】現代家電,為求方便多設紅外線遙控功能,例如電視、Blu-ray播放器、冷氣機、機頂盒、音響設備等,雖然方便,但一屋都是遙控器,每次得花時間找出合用的一個,倒不如按機身開關更快。初創公司嶺勤科技開發的Yoswit Portable IR Hub,只要一個裝置配合手機專用App,即可控制全屋家電;更可設定不同模式,出門前按一個掣便可關上所有家電,相當方便。..

Media - 2017011701 - Thanks to SMAhome for hunting Yoswit!

Media - 2017011701 - Thanks to SMAhome for hunting Yoswit!

Yoswit, an innovative technology designer and supplier, has embarked on a crowdfunding drive for its newly invented smart switches at home with the aim to get rid of all the troubles for installation and setup...

Media - 2017010901 - 萬用遙控隨時隨地都用得? Yoswit 幫你輕鬆搞掂

Media - 2017010901 - 萬用遙控隨時隨地都用得? Yoswit 幫你輕鬆搞掂

一間屋的電器,話多不多,話少不少,不過細心一睇,每部機都有獨立遙控,堆埋都有差不多七、八個,每次開啟逐個搵,都幾煩。而香港公司嶺勤科技就開發 Yoswit 系列藍牙遙控產品,最大特色是通過連接手機,並用一粒 Yoswit 遙控全部家電,而 Yoswi 正於 Indiegogo 集資,賣 39 美元(約 $320 )。..

Blogs - 2016122901 - Light Control Switches Market by Product Type

Blogs - 2016122901 - Light Control Switches Market by Product Type

Light Control Switches Market by Product Type (Manual Switches, Electronic Switches and Dimmers), Light Source (Incandescent & Halogen, Fluorescent, LED, HID), End Users and Geography - Global Forecasts to 2022..

Media - 2016122501 - Control your lights and more using just a Bluetooth connection with Yoswit

Media - 2016122501 - Control your lights and more using just a Bluetooth connection with Yoswit

Who says you need to flip a switch to operate it? Certainly not Yoswit, a new smart-home product helping you control your lights with nothing more than a Bluetooth connection. Because in the 21st century, you shouldn’t need to get up to adjust your lighting, right?..

Blogs - 2016122301 - Christmas is knocking on the door!

Blogs - 2016122301 - Christmas is knocking on the door!

Christmas is knocking on the door! Yoswit team wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We have good news for you - Yoswit's DIY Engraving is unlocked! Our next goal is to make Yoswit a compatible companion with other famous brands in the market (including Samsung SmartThings, Nest, Google Hom..

PR - 2016112405 - Yoswit reinvents smart home technology solutions with Bluetooth

PR - 2016112405 - Yoswit reinvents smart home technology solutions with Bluetooth

Smart home technology is a relatively new area but it’s a sector that’s growing rapidly and the latest innovation from experts Yoswit could make it even more accessible. The company is bringing its skills and knowledge of Bluetooth technology to reinvent the way smart homes operate, creating a simpl..

PR - 2016112303 - Top home automation trends for 2017

PR - 2016112303 - Top home automation trends for 2017

Smart homes are the future when it comes to lifestyle technology progression, but whilst the concept is still emerging from its infancy, leading provider of smart switch replacements for traditional wall switches Yoswit have identified some key trends in the area for 2017...

Media - 2016121301 - Thanks to UNWIRE.HK for hunting Yoswit!

Media - 2016121301 - Thanks to UNWIRE.HK for hunting Yoswit!

智能燈、智能窗簾、智能熱水爐… 聽就聽得多,但永遠用到的只會是電視劇入面的有錢人。於香港,現實中只有少過 1% 的家庭有應用智能家居。嶺勤科技的創辦人之一吳啟鍫(Colin)認為,香港智能家居應用率低的原因在於門檻過高,就連安裝智能燈掣都要「拉過晒全屋啲線」。因此他們於三年前著手研究簡化安裝及使用方法,並從最基本的智能開關入手,製作出 Yoswit 系列藍牙遙控產品。..

Showing 51 to 60 of 242 (25 Pages)

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