News - 20180719 - Bluetooth 5.0 explained: A glimpse into the future of wireless Apple products

News - 20180719 - Bluetooth 5.0 explained: A glimpse into the future of wireless Apple products

Something that has gone under the radar with the latest iPhone revisions, however, is the inclusion of Bluetooth 5.0, a very important step into creating a more streamlined wireless future. The technology is also included in the 2018 revision of the MacBook Pro with Touch Bar and the HomeP..

News - 20180427 - Apple just made it way easier to make HomeKit gadgets

News - 20180427 - Apple just made it way easier to make HomeKit gadgets

Which means more Siri-controlled devices are likely on their way...

News - 20180424 - Google says it sold a Google Home device every second

News - 20180424 - Google says it sold a Google Home device every second

Google today announced that it sold “tens of millions of Google devices for the home” over the course of the last year and that it sold “more than one Google Home device every second since Google Home Mini started shipping in October.”..

Blogs - 20180409 - Yoswit @ 2018香港資訊及通訊科技獎

Blogs - 20180409 - Yoswit @ 2018香港資訊及通訊科技獎

Mob-Mob智能語音應用程式開放平台可透過廣東話指令操控我們屢獲殊榮的YOSWIT DIY藍牙智能控制系統。我們創新的專利方案,可令你善用備用的手機作為家中的智能中樞,既環保、簡單而又功能強大。..

最新動態 - 展覽 - 2018 香港貿發局國際資訊科技博覽

最新動態 - 展覽 - 2018 香港貿發局國際資訊科技博覽


最新動態 - 展覽 - 2018 上海國際智能家居展覽會

最新動態 - 展覽 - 2018 上海國際智能家居展覽會


News - 20180117 - Alibaba Teams Up With Mediatek For IOT, Smart Homes

News - 20180117 - Alibaba Teams Up With Mediatek For IOT, Smart Homes

Alibaba said Wednesday its A.I. Labs unit will team up with Taiwan’s MediaTek on an Internet of Things initiative that aims to make homes smarter...

Blogs - 2017111301 - Yoswit 智能燈光控制方案 @ 香港秋季燈飾展

Blogs - 2017111301 - Yoswit 智能燈光控制方案 @ 香港秋季燈飾展

Thank you for visiting our booth. YOSWIT continued its previous success and staged as a major exhibitor with two themed sections at the Hall of Aurora. They included the smart lighting and smart living to cater different industry needs...

News - 2017112301 - Air Conditioning Survey: 30% respondents woken up in “too cold” room

News - 2017112301 - Air Conditioning Survey: 30% respondents woken up in “too cold” room


News - 2017101701 - How to: Wire a Smart Light Switch

News - 2017101701 - How to: Wire a Smart Light Switch

Samsung Smart Things posted an article to tell people that Neutral Wire is a MUST for install smart lighting system. But Yoswit tells you that we don't have such limitation, we can support all types of bulbs including low watt LED bulb. And with DIMMING function! Let's take a look at how t..

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